People sitting at a laptop and wearing virtual reality glasses


The next stage is the interview, during which the candidate company is analyzed in depth: its values, objectives, structure, financial stability and the entrepreneur's ambitions. All this to guarantee the quality of our network.


The final decision rests with a joint committee made up of members of BAMHUB's management team, ensuring an accurate and relevant assessment. Once accepted, the company officially begins its membership of BAMHUB, opening the door to an effective partnership.

BAMHUB Becomes Your Ambassador

BAMHUB facilitates the expansion of your needs in a premium setting, acting as an ambassador for your business. As a member, you benefit from exclusive services to boost your business, included in your no-obligation monthly subscription:

Customized services from BAMHUB
Services offered by Val & Busin, founded by Sylvain Chassaing, 24 years of experience
Services offered via the BAM agency, founded by Pavel Strek in 2013


Where "My friend is your friend" comes into its own